Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Business Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International Business Law - Coursework Example ..he stands in any legal or equitable relation to the adventure or to any insurable property at risk therein, in consequence of which he may benefit by the safety or due arrival of insurable property, or may be prejudiced by its loss, or by damage thereto, or by the detention thereof, or may incur liability in respect thereof.6 Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Marine Insurance Act, interest will attach when the insured has an interest in the â€Å"subject-matter insured at the time of the loss†.7 The interest need now exist at the time the insurance contract is formed.8 Therefore as long as the insured has an interest in the subject-matter at the time of the marine adventure, the insured is entitled to claim damages. It therefore follows that Linda has an insurable interest since the insurance contract was specifically underwritten to protect her against damages to her cargo. Since Linda’s insurance policy applies the Institute Cargo Clause A, â€Å"all risks of loss or damage to the subject-matter† is insured.9 All risks is a potentially broad phrase and can include any loss that the insured can prove was a result of an accident of an event without having to proves the particular of the accident of event resulting in the loss.10 It is sufficient for the insured to demonstrate on a balance of probabilities that the damages were a result of perils at sea that are not ordinarily experienced.11 This is important because all Cargo Clauses contain an exclusionary clause which prohibits recovery of damages in circumstances where damages are caused by ordinary perils at sea.12 Another feature of the Cargo Clause A as well as Cargo Clauses B and C is the transit clause. The transit clause covers all damages surrounding the voyage at sea which includes transfer from the warehouse, loading and all interim transport of the goods until they reach their final destination.13 Thus far, it would appear that Linda has full coverage since she adopted the Carg o Institute Clause A. However, there is one problem that might undermine, Linda’s ability to enforce the insurance contract. Clause A, like Clauses B and C contains a War Exclusion Clause and unless removed, Linda is bound by the War Exclusion Clause.14 When war clauses provide coverage in a marine insurance contract damages can be recovered for: War, civil war, insurrections, revolutions, rebellions, civil strife related to any of these situations, hostile episodes relative to a hostile authority. Capture, arrest, restraint, seizure, detention (relative to risks associated with war or categories of war) or attempts to commit any of these acts. Torpedoes, mines, bombs or other military weapons.15 Based on the facts for discussion it is uncertain whether or not Linda’s marine insurance policy specifically covers war and the incidents typically included when an exclusionary War Clause is deleted from the Institute Car

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Accused Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Accused - Movie Review Example They fail to realize that the form of sexual aggression depicted in The Accused has much to do with the social attitudes towards women. Thereby, though such depiction of sexual aggression at public places, as depicted in The Accused may not be very common today, yet, the underlying attitudes towards women that constituted the basis of such sexual aggression in public, as shown in the movie, are as rampant today as they happened to be in the 80s, the period in which the movie unfolds itself. It is a fact supported by many credible social surveys that a significant proportion of the women in the United States of America have been the target of some sort of sexual violence or aggression. There is a significant chunk of the male population that happens to be in doubt as to what exactly constitutes consensual sex. There are many males who believe that forced sex is acceptable under some circumstances, especially under such circumstances where they can get away with their sexual crudeness. The irony is that there also happen to be many women who believe or perhaps are made to believe that sexual aggression does happen to be acceptable in some situations. It is sad to acknowledge that in the contemporary society, patriarchal views and norms do still happen to be rampant. Many a time people do evince a callous attitude towards the victims of sexual violence and simply fail to understand as to what sort of impact does raw sexual aggression could have on women. Today, the kind o f public sexual aggression depicted in The Accused may not be evident. Still, when it comes to the victims of sexual aggression, there are people who blame the victims for such behavior. Sadly, in many cases of sexual aggression and sexual violence, the victims do end up considering themselves being responsible for what happened to them. In the current times, there are men who simply fail to grasp as to how

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Proposal for Health Promotion Framework

Proposal for Health Promotion Framework Topic: Alcohol The purpose is to propose a health promotion framework Background of the program: Alcohol is one of the topics covered by the health promotion agency. The health promotion agency runs programs like no beersies, say yeah, nah, levy on alcohol ,dont know? dont drink.these programs have recognized the adverse effects on consumption of alcohol and therefore promote reduction or complete stoppage on its intake . Dont know? Dont drink, focuses on pregnant women or women who have the slightest doubt of being pregnant. There is no known safe limit or known safe time which would allow the women to have alcohol without causing harm to the developing fetus. Alcohol crosses the blood brain barrier causing a number of birth defects like low birth weight, distinctive facial features, heart defects, behavior problems, intellectual disability . Dont know? Dont drink is an evidence based program which works in all sectors adding to health and well being of the population. This program works by promoting health and well being, enabling health promoting initiatives and environments, informing health promoting policy and practice. Similarly the other programs like no beersies and say yeah, nah,are giving their contribution towards the reduction of consumption of alcohol. Description The intervention recognizes alcohol consumption as a community problem. According to Ottawa charter, strengthening community actions is defined as expanding the resources and capacities of community to make decision and take collective action to increase their control over determinants of their health.(D.Fry and A.Zak.2016). it gives opportunities to bring the people together of the community. This can be done by providing resources by which the people can take decisions and participate collectively. Te pa mahutonga is a health promotion model , promoting the health of maori. It promotes healthy lifestyles for the maori population. Alcohol is a risk factor and risk factors impose threat to a healthy lifestyle. A large number of maori population whether young or old is surrounded by the risk laden life style. In order to reduce the risk and to lead a healthy lifestyle, the harm should be minimized, the interventions should be targeted, management of risk, relevance of culture and positive development.(m.durie,1999) This program gives an equal amount of chance of participation and is based on the equity principle whose goal is to create an environment where everyone like people coming from all income group, ethnicity have access to good health.( Tones, K., Tilford, S. 2001) This program gives an individual an option of participation thus giving him empowerment, and allowing the individual to take their own decision. The general and the maori population will be equally benefited if there is equal amount of participation and equal amount of opportunity. This is based on the equity principle of health promotion ..( Tones, K., Tilford, S. 2001) The targeted population is based on equity principle Question 9 is also based on te pae mahutongas principle of healthy lifestyles. Ottawa charter explains the principle of Building healthy public policy which that means advocating for, establishing and/or implementing explicit actions by government (international ,national ,state or local). According to Geoffrey Rose, population based interventions have the ability detect the determents of health on a large scale.(2001). Te pae mahutongas principles of healthy lifestyle is also applicable. Question 11 relates to creating supportive environment from ottwa charter, by creating ways and means through which health is supports and protected from any social or environmental hazards. Approach to community falls under the principle of developing personal skills and criteria on lessons for program effectiveness of ottawa charter. Application: 1) yes. This intervention brings the community together through run a promotion and helps the individual in takeing decisions. 2) yes. The program does help maori population for better health care but more focus is needed to be given on this as it specifically does not do so. 3) yes. The program gives opportunity to general as well as maori to participate actively . There are equal opportunities for general and maori population but still more focus is to be added on to the maori population considering them as the minority. 4) yes 5) may be. it will depend on the amount of participation. 6) the general population is more benefited since their involvement is more. Also the promotion strategies used does not show maori involvement, which could be a reason as they cannot relate to it. 7) the targeted population, in this case the pregnant women will be benefited since they will be aware and avoid consumption of alcohol after knowing its ill effects. Dont know? dont drink program focuses on women who are pregnant or other women who have the smallest chance of being pregnant. So this program will indeed benefit the targeted population of women. 8) yes. 9) yes. Programs like no beersies, say yeah,nah, focus on the lifestyle in which people are living. It gives ways and means by which we can avoid having alcohol and still be surrounded by the same peers Programs like no beersies and say yeah, nah campaign for the reduction in consumption of alcohol in such a way that they stay in their group and can still avoid drinking alcohol. So a person need not necessarily drink just for being with his mates 10) yes. By reducing the intake of alcohol, the amount of drink and drive cases will be reduced thus saving lives. 11) yes. 12) the program address the people by promoting, enabling and informing 13) yes. 14) yes. there are on researches which are then later implemented. 15) no Conclusion: Overall it can be seen that most of the programs satisfy the health promotion models of Ottawa charter and te pae mahutonga as well as the principles of health promotion however, there should still be emphasis on maori health approach and on building healthy public health policy. Reference: D. Fry and A. Zack, (may 19,2016). applying the Ottawa charter to inform health promotion programme promotion international, daw022. Durie, M. (1999, December). Te Pae Mahutonga: A model for Maori health promotion. In Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand Newsletter (Vol. 49, No. 2-5). Tones, K., Tilford, S. (2001). Health promotion: effectiveness, efficiency and equity. Nelson Thornes. Rose, G. (2001). Sick individuals and sick populations. International journal of epidemiology, 30(3), 427-432. Appendix Does this intervention bring the community together? Does this intervention help the maori population to better health care? Does this program give an equal opportunity of chance to all for participation? Does this intervention give choices to the population? Are the general population and maori population equally benefited? Who is most benefited? How will this intervention benefit the targeted population? Is this intervention accessible? Does this intervention focus on altering the lifestyle in which people are living? Does the aim of the program help in protecting against any hazards? Does the motivated persons behavior influence others as well? By what means does the program approach to the community? Are the programs carried out by this intervention based on any evidence? Is the intervention supported by any government policy? Does the intervention focus on building healthy public health policy?

Friday, October 25, 2019

MAnaging Conflict Essay -- essays research papers

Managing Conflict What is conflict? Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. It can also originate from past rivalries and personality differences. Other causes of conflict include trying to negotiate before the timing is right or before needed information is available. Causes of conflict. 1. Lack of communication. There is a lack of communications. Failure to share ideas and feelings (between wife and husband for example) allows the other person to "fill in the gap." We "read in" what we think the other person will say or anticipate how the other person will respond. Then, we often suspect negative things which provokes anxiety, leading us to look for the worst. If this continues, trust becomes lower and we may become suspicious and defensive. 2. Value Conflict There is a value conflict in which two people have different attitudes, beliefs and expectations. These differences may interfere in making decisions if we are inflexible and hold rigid, dogmatic beliefs about the "right way" to do things. Different values and beliefs predispose two people to choose different goals or different methods to achieve the same goals. And, since each goal requires an investment of time, effort and some sacrifice, we cannot pursue one goal without sacrificing the other to some extent. 3. Lac...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

That Contribute to the Unequal Access to Health Care and Escalation of the Health Care Cost

This essay focuses on the comparing and contrasting the functionalist, conflict and symbolic interaction perspective on the health care system in Trinidad and Tobago and its problems. Functionalists note that health is essential to the preservation of the human species and organized social life. One way societies contain the negative effects of health problems and disease is through institutionalizing illness in a sick role. Conflict theorists note that some people achieve better health than others because they have access to those resources that contribute to good health and recovery should they become ill.And finally, symbolic Interactionist theorists view sickness as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings. For example, an increasing number of behaviors that earlier generations defined as immoral or sinful are coming to be seen as forms of sickness the medicalization of deviance. The ministry of health is in the business of promoting wellness and ensuring the avai lability of quality health care to the people of Trinidad and Tobago in an affordable, sustainable and equitable manner. Although some advances were made, problems and inadequacies in the delivery of health care persisted.In addition, the Health Sector Reform Programme was developed with the aim of decentralizing the health services. The government of Trinidad and Tobago takes into account the WHO definition of health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†. (WHO, 1986). Health care therefore, is the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions.In an attempt to address the problems the government of Trinidad and Tobago via the ministry of health implemented, the plan to decentralize the health services which was cultivated by strengthening the policy-making, planning and management capacity of the health sector; Separating the provision of services from financing and regulatory responsibilities; Shifting public expenditures and influencing the redirection of private expenditures to high priority problems and cost-effective solutions; Establishing new administrative and employment structures, which encourage accountability, ncrease autonomy and appropriate incentives to improve productivity and efficiency; Educing preventable morbidity and mortality through promoting lifestyle changes and other social interventions. (Ministry of Health, 2000). Functionalism is based around a number of key concepts. Firstly, society is viewed as a system a collection of interdependent parts, with a tendency toward equilibrium. Secondly, there are functional requirements that must be met in a society for its survival (such as reproduction of the population). Thirdly, phenomena are seen to exist because they serve a function (Holmwood, 2005:87).Conflict Theory stat es that the society or organization functions so that each individual participant and its groups struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change such as changes in politics and revolutions. The essence of conflict theory is best epitomized by the classic ‘pyramid structure' in which an elite dictates terms to the larger masses. All major institutions, laws, and traditions in the society are designed to support those who have traditionally been in power, or the groups that are perceived to be superior in the society according to this theory.This can also be expanded to include any society's ‘morality' and by extension their definition of deviance. Anything that challenges the control of the elite will likely be considered ‘deviant' or ‘morally reprehensible. ‘ The theory can be applied on either the macro level (like the US government) or the micro level (a church organization or school club). Symbolic Interactionism: H erbert Blumer (1969), who coined the term â€Å"symbolic interactionism,† set out three basic premises of the perspective: firstly, Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have for them.Secondly, the meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with one's fellows. These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he/she encounters. Symbolic interactionism is a social constructionist approach to understanding social life that focuses on how reality is constructed by active and creative actors through their interactions with others Functionalism argues that any institution, group, or organization can be interpreted by looking at its positive and negative functions in society.The positive functions of the health care system are the prevention and treatment of disease. Ideally, this would mean the delivery of health care to the entire population without regard to race – ethnicity, social class, gender, age or any other characteristic. According to arson the function of the health care system is to enable people to be healthy enough to do all the things they need to do to keep society functioning. (Talbot Parson, 1951).For example, The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is committed to the development of a robust, effective and accessible health care system to ensure that its citizens enjoy long, healthy and productive lives. They will also develop programmes to identify and assess the nation’s health needs and further the training of our medical health personnel to adequately serve the population by focusing on disease screening and prevention, health promotion, improved management and access to health services. (Ministry of Finance, 2009/2010).Functionalism also emphasis the systematic way that various social institution are related to each other together forming relatively stable charact er of society (The Health ministry’s Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP)) the government is also involved in health care through institution such as University of the West Indies that funds new research on various matters of health and health care policy). (TRHA, 2004) for instance, the introduction of the Tobacco Control Bill is an important element of our public health policy.The health care system is notable for a number of negative functions; some may argued that the functionalistic perspective on medicine applies only to some conditions and people. It does not address chronic illness Those that contribute to disharmony and instability of society such as the Health risk factors for our population include tobacco use, abuse of alcohol, and lack of physical activity, inappropriate diet and obesity which are common to several chronic diseases.Secondly, And without the current ability to cure patients regardless of how much they may want to get well or their doctors m ay try to make them well, that outcome will not occur. Finally, health care system does not function optimally because of the profit motive that is sometimes at odds with the function of providing health care.For instance, some may not be able to afford the cost to get proper health care and it encourages medical professional to be in charge of treatment, leading, in that it does not support the growing interest and knowledge of patients who wants to take an active role with their physician in directing their own health care. The conflict perspective on health care focuses on issues involving equity and tension within the health care system although these theories cannot deny that modern health care can help people in maintaining or restoring their health.Minorities, the lower class, and the elderly particularly elderly woman have less access to health care since they may not be insured (Navarro 1993, 2000) nevertheless, in Trinidad and Tobago such has been eliminated in that, the c onstruction and upgrade of Primary Care Facilities is another initiative aimed at improving the health delivery system and facilitating the Government’s preventive and primary care approach to health.Today, there are 103 health centres, strategically located to ensure increased public access to what today is an expanded range of primary care services. This also reduces the number of patients at our nation’s hospitals, thus securing better care services at all institutions and cost savings through more efficient use of resources. To the contrary the functionalist argues that relatively greater access of the middle and upper classes to medical care is good for society because the upper classes are more beneficial to society.For instance Bearing that in mind, it could be argued that since the ruling class needs hard workers to accomplish their tasks so that the ruling class can become richer, having healthy workers would be beneficial because if a worker is unhealthy they will not be as productive and will be able to produce as many goods and services as a healthier worker. Symbolic interactionism take a micro look at health care rather than focusing on the structure of the larger system or its interrelationships with other parts of the society.The symbolic interactionism holds that illness is partly socially constructed. The definition of illness and wellness are culturally relative. Sickness in one culture may be wellness in another. It is time dependent as well. Similarly health care system itself has a socially constructed aspect. The way we behave towards the ill, towards the doctor and towards innovating ventures such as HMO are all social creatures.For instance, Symbolic interactionism has a concept by Calvin Cooley referred to as the ‘Looking Glass Self’, we see ourselves in terms of how we are viewed in society. If society views us as ill largely mentally but also physically we may come to perceive ourselves that way and behave accordingly. A person with a physical handicap may come to view themselves as flawed or defective and will behave that way. A person with a mental illness will act the way a person with mental illness s supposed to act. (Kendall, 2007). Marxist perspective it ensures that population remains healthy enough to contribute to the economic system, by working in offices and factories to produce profit for the ruling class. (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000, 295). Marxist theory of dialectic materialism, which explains the struggle of opposites, could have been used to explain the struggle of people to reverse the trend of not been able to afford quality health (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000,945).One can also draw on the theoretical discussion on social interaction, particularly as it relates to historical events that facilitate this interaction. From a symbolic interactionist perspective we might look at the meanings of work that members of society learn. (Understanding Social Problems, 2009, 258). The concept developed by (Durkheim, 1893) that social solidarity within a culture as one of its most critical features in terms of health and social cohesion will explain why it is important to health and the people of Trinidad and Tobago.Durkheim further argued that individuals and groups that were well integrated into society were less likely to take their own lives than others. The citizenry of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago have had their share of trials with the public health system such as the shortage of nurses, lack of equipment and delivery of medical services, overcrowding and the likes, these things are soon a thing of the past.The government of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago has implemented the health sector reform policy and as well as the transformational plan, which would enable them to foster a healthy and productive population through preventive care to create and maintain a first class health care delivery system; and to develop and manage a compre hensive customer based public health system. These strategic objectives in the transformational plan have been employed and thus the institutional changes resulted in the establishment of the 811 number for the national emergency ambulance service.The cabinet appointed technical advisory committee for chronic non- communicable disease, the development of infection prevention and control polices and guidelines to reduce the incidence of health care associated infections, the patients’ safety programme, the implementation of a clinical management system, electronic health records and laboratory information systems for HIV/AIDS as well as the ministry of health has intensified its efforts by increasing the number of trained nurses to 1,510 to fill nursing vacancies in our health nstitution by 2012-2015. (Narace, 2009),. They are too numerous to mention all, but it is still an on-going process to develop and efficient and equitable health sector for the citizenry.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Self-Defense Law

Post | Self-Defense Law | A WSJ Article by Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry | | Robert Hallam| 4/1/2012| LAW-13 Paper #2 | Self-defense laws, also known as â€Å"stand your ground laws†, have been a significant aspect of many court cases. However, like most other laws, these laws can be used improperly and cause excess controversy around a case. Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry’s article titled â€Å"More Killings Called Self-Defense† from the March 31st edition of Wall Street Journal brings attention to these self-defense laws.The case discussed in the article is an example of self-defense laws causing controversy, as many protestors believe these laws were used improperly. This is also a common issue as the number of justifiable homicides seems to be on the rise. Are these â€Å"stand your ground laws† truly being abused? This is the main issue causing the debate surrounding cases around the country. The article describes a case of homicide in which 17-year-old Tr ayvon Martin was shot and killed by supposed neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman. This case has become very controversial for several reasons.Much debate has been sparked as to whether this homicide was actually an intentional hate crime, as Martin was a black teenager, who supposedly posed no real threat to the killer. Despite lack of evidence against Martin, Zimmerman still claims that his act was out of self-defense and he has not been charged or arrested. Zimmerman claims he was walking to his car and Martin approached him and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. Recent evidence shows that there was virtually no damage inflicted on Zimmerman’s face or nose.Zimmerman also claims that Martin had bashed his head into the ground, leaving him with serious head injuries. New video evidence goes against his claim, revealing no head injuries (Zerlina, 2012). His lawyer has yet to make any further comments. Although it cannot be assumed that race was a main factor in th is case, it is still the cause of much debate. Since Martin supposedly posed no real threat to the killer, protestors believe that this is not considered justifiable homicide and the self-defense law is being used improperly.The article provides statistics regarding justifiable homicide and self-defense laws, as well as the relationship between the two. According to the information provided in the article, the data on the relationship between the two has not been sufficiently studied, thus many questions surrounding the issue are still left unanswered. For instance, according to criminal scientists, â€Å"the data on justifiable homicide and their relationship to â€Å"stand your ground laws† has not been rigorously studied†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ So the question remains unanswered if â€Å"a rise in justifiable homicides reflects killings that otherwise wouldn’t have happened. Other questions are left unreciprocated as well. What is the typical relationship between the killer s and the victims in these sorts of cases? These types of questions remain debatable, according to the statistics and data provided. Many other statistics are mentioned in the article, such as data regarding methods of murder (weapons; guns being the most popular in cases of justifiable homicide), age of victims, and as mentioned previously, race. It appears that many self-defense laws are far too susceptible to abuse (Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts , 2010).The newer concept commonly seen in stand your ground laws follow the obscene Florida variation that â€Å"not only eliminates the duty to retreat, but also presumes that a person who uses deadly force in his home or vehicle had a reasonable fear of harm, and it immunizes the killer from civil lawsuits† (palazzolo, 2012) ; as opposed to the common standard â€Å"Castle Doctrine† system in which individual home owners were perfectly justified in using deadly force against home intruders.The opposition to these new la ws asserts that a legal statute was even included in said doctrine that â€Å"you can shoot to kill if your life is in peril, period. † However that does not give you the right to pursue possibly innocent non-immediate threats and that those situations are best handled by notifying authorities. According to the legal definition of self-defense, the harm of another person is only justifiable †if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm† (lectric law ).So, according to this definition, homicide is only justified if there is a present danger and an attack is being made to avoid such danger. The defense must be done to prevent a crime which would amount to a felony if committed (lectric law ). These laws are intended to allow an individual to prevent real harm on his or her self. In short, was the case concerning the murder of Martin truly a case of self-defense, or should Zimmerman be charged with homicide? Here is where the debate comes into play.In this case, it appears that there is no evidence collected against Martin, and so the homicide should not yet be considered justifiable. This is an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to abuse. If an act of homicide is going to be deemed justified, there should always be a sufficient amount of evidence. The possibility of Zimmerman’s case being a hate crime still exists, but there is not enough evidence to support this either. Although self-defense laws are helpful to many cases, these powers can clearly be abused.Since proper evidence has not been provided, it is improper to make official conclusions, but it seems that Zimmerman’s case may be an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to exploitation. Zimmerman’s case does not seem to follow the legal definition of self-defense, yet he was not charged or arrested. Protestors are fighting for Zimmerman’s arrest, as not enough evidence has been found against Martin, the victim of gunfire who supposedly presented a threat to the attacker. These protestors are rallying nationwide in support of Zimmerman’s conviction.Works Cited (n. d. ). Retrieved april 2, 2012, from lectric law : http://www. lectlaw. com/def/d030. htm palazzolo, j. (2012). more killings called self defense. wall street journal , 1-2. Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts . (2010). Essentials of business law and the legal environment . Mason: Sout-Western Cengage Learning. Zerlina. (2012, march 29). feninisting. com. Retrieved march 25, 2012, from http://feministing. com/2012/03/29/george-zimmermans-self-defense-story-of-trayvon-martin-shooting-falls-apart/

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ousource ADPC Precument to Tejari

Ousource ADPC Precument to Tejari Introduction Procurement outsourcing involves the outsourcing of a company’s major procurement operations to another organisation. This research study focuses on investigating how effective it would be to outsource ADCP’s procurement activities to Teraji. In order to accomplish this, the study must first investigate the need to outsource, and subsequently analyse the efficiency of outsourcing to Teraji.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ousource ADPC Precument to Tejari specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is important to consider outsourcing the procurement activities of ADPC due to the important role procurement plays in supporting the core competencies of the company. While procurement does not stand as one of the organisations core competency, it remains an important function in the company as it is one of the only activities that takes place in all three-core competencies. The Problem With th e increasing complexity in Abu Dhabi’s fleet management, it is important for companies in the maritime industry to focus on accomplishing their core competency activities. Procurement (an element of company logistics) is the major non-core activity, which results in time and resource consumption. Considering that ADPC’s major functions include the maintenance, refurbishing, and development of the seaports, it is possible to outsource procurement. Should ADPC effectively implement these outsourcing activities, it will be able to maximise the potential of available time and resources. Due to the increase in fleet flow in Abu Dhabi, it is important for the management of ADPC to consider the possible applicable measures for improving its performance. The major way to do this is to ensure that the company limits its key performance indicators to the available resources. Thus, it is necessary for ADPC to outsource other time and resource consuming organisational activities, which may include procurement. The proposed solution In order to solve the problem of complex procurement, and to allow the ADPC focus on its primary goals, this project seeks to investigate the feasibility of outsourcing ADPCs procurement operations to Tejari service. In procurement outsourcing, a company transfers all, or a major part, of its logistics functions to third party companies.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Procurement outsourcing may be done to cut down costs or to create room for the company to concentrate on other significantly important organisational operations. Considering that the core company of ADPCs operations is measurable based on its ability to ensure effective fleet management in all commercial seaports, it may be necessary to outsource some of the activities that are less related to the organisations key performance indicator. The major functions of the ADPC are to ensure swift response to maintenance, refurbishment, and improvement of each port it oversees. These activities are not only tedious, but also require high levels of procurement and inventory management. In order to ensure that it can effectively focus on its core operations, ADPC needs to outsource its procurement activities to a company that is formidable and permits procurement via up-to-date methods. Tejari is an electronic marketplace that facilitates real time trading between different companies over the internet. Tejari has an experience of more than ten years in internet procurement and offers excellent services to many companies located in the Arab Gulf. Tejari offers extensive internet based procurement and logistic services. With over 100000 clients using Tejari’s internet based purchase systems, the company is now known for its honest, cost-efficient and excellent procurement procedures. It is anticipated that if ADPC outsour ces its procurement activities to Tejari, it would have more time and resources to focus on performing its core operational activities. While procurement is a major element required for ADPC to accomplish its core operations, it is important to note that procurement is more of a secondary operational function driving the company’s success. Therefore, there are no considerable risks associated with outsourcing the procurement operations of the company to Tejari.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ousource ADPC Precument to Tejari specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Assessing Tejari’s Efficiency It will be necessary to investigate how effective Tejari will handle ADPC’s procurement activities. Tejari’s efficiency will be measured by performing a satisfaction survey targeting some of its current and past clients. The survey will measure different satisfaction variables ranging from the us er friendliness of Terajis online procurement interphase, to the physical promptness of the companys service delivery. The outcomes of the survey will be analysed to identify the customer satisfaction levels of the participants as the types of services the customers appreciate. This way, it will be possible for the researcher to recommend the best approach ADPC should follow in outsourcing its products to Teraji. Conclusion This outline presented an overview of the activities that would be contained in the report. While a solution has already been proposed for ADPC to follow in order to increase its focus on its core operations, it is important to investigate the efficacy of applying the proposed approach. This outline summarized the proposed solution. It also explains the process the report will apply in examining the effectiveness of the proposed approach. A survey analysis will be used to investigate the satisfaction levels of previous Teraji clients; their responses will be used to draw conclusions, hence a final recommendation.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Womens rights and abolitionism essays

Womens rights and abolitionism essays In the course of American History, no reform movements have been as significant or historically important, as were womens rights and abolitionism. Many of the same people argued for both of the reform movements before the civil war. Correspondents were constantly sent back and forth between the leaders of both movements. Many issues discussed by both parties usually delved around the same argument. While both parties had different goals in mind, you can see through the speeches and letters written by the leaders, that on many occasions, they would use the same points to strengthetn their arguments while at the same time coming to a different request. Considering the time period in which these movements occurred, one of the strongest arguments that were made by both sides, was related to religion and the bible. As a womens rights activist put it, Thou further sayest, that it was designed that the mode of faining influence and exercising power should be altogether different and peculiar. Does the Bible teach this... Did Jesus... give a different rule of action to men and woman? This use of religion to argue womens rights on numerous occasions was used also to argue against slavery, usually with different contexts. As Frederick Douglass so put it, in the name of the constitution and the Bible, which are disregarded and trampled upon... that serves to perpetuate slavery-the great sin and shame of America! As you can see leaders from both parties would in some how question their movements goals in relation to religion, god and the Bible. Another viable example both groups would use to strengthen their argument included the government and legislature. While different, both groups would some how, either use the constitution and its wording, to benefit or argue that there were being used by the government, without the reward that others receive. The leaders of the womens would those a...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bowhead Whale Facts

Bowhead Whale Facts The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) got its name from its high, arched jaw that resembles a bow. They are a cold-water whale that lives in the Arctic. Bowheads are still hunted by native whalers in the Arctic through special permission for aboriginal subsistence whaling.   Identification The bowhead whale, also known as the Greenland right whale, is about 45-60 feet long and weighs 75-100 tons when full-grown. They have a stocky appearance and no dorsal fin. Bowheads are mostly blue-black in coloration, but have white on their jaw and belly, and a patch on their tail stock (peduncle) that gets whiter with age. Bowheads also have stiff hairs on their jaws. The flippers of a bowhead whale are broad, paddle-shaped and about six feet long. Their tail can be 25 feet across from tip to tip. The bowheads blubber layer is over 1 1/2 feet thick, which provides insulation against the cold waters of the Arctic. Bowheads can be individually identified using scars on their bodies that they get from ice. These whales are capable of breaking through several inches of ice to get to the water surface. An Interesting Discovery In 2013, a study  described a new organ  in bowhead whales. Amazingly, the organ is 12 feet long and wasnt yet described by scientists.   The organ is located on the roof of a bowhead whales mouth and is made of a sponge-like tissue. It was discovered by scientists during the processing of a bowhead whale by natives. They think that it is used to regulate heat, and possibly for detecting prey and regulating baleen growth. Read more here. Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Order: Cetartiodactyla Infraorder:  Cetacea Superfamily: Mysticeti Family: Balaenidae Genus: Balaena Species: mysticetus Habitat Distribution The bowhead is a cold-water species, living in the Arctic Ocean and surrounding waters. Click here for a range map. The largest and most well-studied population is found off Alaska and Russia in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.   There are  additional populations between Canada and Greenland, north of Europe, in the Hudson Bay and Okhotsk Sea. Feeding Bowhead whales are a baleen whale, meaning they filter their food. Bowheads have about 600 baleen plates that are up to 14 feet long, illustrating the immense size of the whales head.  Their prey includes planktonic crustaceans such as copepods, plus small invertebrates and fish from the seawater. Reproduction The bowheads breeding season is in late spring/early summer. Once mating occurs, the gestation period is 13-14 months long, after which a single calf is born. At birth, calves are 11-18 feet long weigh about 2,000 pounds. The calf nurses for 9-12 months and isnt sexually mature until it is 20 years old. The bowhead is considered one of the worlds longest-living animals, with evidence showing some bowheads may live to over 200 years. Conservation Status and Human Uses The bowhead whale is listed as species of least concern on the IUCN Red List, as the population is increasing. However, the population, currently estimated at 7,000-10,000 animals, is far lower than the estimated 35,000-50,000 whales that existed before they were decimated by commercial whaling. Whaling of bowheads started in the 1500s, and only about 3,000 bowheads existed by the 1920s. Due to this depletion, the species is still listed as endangered by the U.S. Bowheads are still hunted by native Arctic whalers, who use the meat, baleen, bones and organs for food, art, household goods, and construction. Fifty-three whales were taken in 2014. The International Whaling Commission issues subsistence whaling quotas to the U.S. and Russia to hunt bowheads. References and Further Information: American Cetacean Society. Bowhead Whale Fact Sheet. Accessed June 25, 2010.International Whaling Commission. Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Catches Since 1985. Accessed March 23, 2016.NOAA Fisheries: National Marine Mammal Laboratory. Bowhead Whales, Accessed March 23, 2016.NOAA. Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus). (Online) NOAA Fisheries: Office of Protected Resources. Accessed June 25, 2010.Reilly, S.B., Bannister, J.L., Best, P.B., Brown, M., Brownell Jr., R.L., Butterworth, D.S., Clapham, P.J., Cooke, J., Donovan, G.P., Urbn, J. Zerbini, A.N. 2008. Balaena mysticetus. (Online) IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.1. . Accessed on 25 June 2010.Rozell, Ned. 2001. Bowhead Whales May Be the Worlds Oldest Mammals. Alaska Science Forum, February 15, 2001. Accessed June 25, 2010.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Adam Smith and Karl Marx Economic Theories Essay

Adam Smith and Karl Marx Economic Theories - Essay Example Most of the theories in economics today are based on the ideas of Smith as well as Marx and Keynes. These individuals have different ideas on how the economy works and the best economic system that would ensure the good of all people in the society. They also differ on the role the government is supposed to take to drive the economy to prosperity. All these differences are prompted by the views held by different theorists regarding human nature and this will be the subject of our discussion in the next section but emphasis on the role of human nature in economic theories of Smith and Marx. Adam Smith (1723-1790) As stated earlier, Smith is regarded as the father of modern economics and capitalism. According to him, human beings are social and as such they have a tendency to care for each other. They are also driven by self-interest but this does not deter them from empathizing with and help each other (Skousen, 11). This is the basis of his economic theory written in his book An inqu iry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations or what is commonly referred as Wealth of Nations in 1776 (Das Kapital). This brought about industrial revolution and emergence of capitalism as the dominant mode of production (Hall). The capitalist economy is based on the mechanism of free markets whereby Smith believed that individuals driven by self-interest and not infringing on the rights of others can in the process benefit the whole society (Hall). The market is driven by the ‘invisible hand’ whereby producers produce goods and services and take to market where they meet buyers who are in need of such goods for consumption. In this case, the buyer and seller only meet when exchanging products and do not negotiate on the quantity to be produced or bought (Skousen, 10). Individuals are assumed to self-regulate themselves in this economy and as such there is no need for government intervention unless to provide public goods such as infrastructure and make sure people adhere to contracts. There is thus free movement of labour, capital and goods (11). Smith’s economic theory is also based on economic independence. Natural liberty according to smith is a fundamental human right thus individuals are given freedom to do what they want (Hall). They produce what they want, at a price they want but the principle of justice must be withheld, that is, there is freedom of production and exchange. As such, all the actors in the economy (workers, landlords and capitalists) work in harmony; there is no conflict of interest (Skousen, 27). In such case, Smith assumes that human beings are honest, just according to societal rules. They can therefore, pursues self-interest without offending or ignoring the needs of others but for the benefit of all. Smith did not envision greed and egotism in human nature. Furthermore, capitalists have to consider the interests of consumers if they want to make profit. Human beings are competitive in nature. This a ccording to Smith was not a negative thing but affected the economy positively, that is, is led to economic growth (Hall). Man should therefore â€Å"bring his industriousness and capital into competition with those of others to create harmony† (Skousen, 27). Competition leads to determination of prices in the market thus the market is always in the equilibrium. The producer is able to get profit for his produce and the consumer benefits from low prices as well as improved quality (to lower prices, manufacturers improve technology thus produce quality goods at low cost). As such economic prosperity is achieved through economic independence. Karl Marx (1818-1883) Smith and Marx had very different views regarding human nature and as such

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organizational Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Organizational Development - Research Paper Example It can be revealed that Fourwinds Marina which is one of the most extensive as well as complete marinas of its type in the United States occupies four acres of land. Jack Keltner had been the general manager of the Fourwinds Marina while the President of the Taggart Corporation, Sandy Taggart has been the owner of the Fourwinds Marina and the Inn of the Fourwinds. The main problem as pointed out by the Taggart has been the lack of knowledge of marina business along with lack of experienced general managers. Therefore from the case study it can be analyzed that there is requirement of major organizational development initiatives. Keltner seems to have analyzed the problems that the organization was facing and took steps in order to correct them in order to improve the organizational effectiveness. He analyzed that major changes were required over one year period. This report consists of the SWOT analysis of the organization and implication of the analysis. It also tries to describe th e marinas strategy and the organization and tries to list the Keltner’s list of actions. ... Moreover the Inn is successful enough in providing the customers with all the facilities required by them. Lack of experienced managers as well as knowledge on managing the marine is one of the weaknesses. In addition to this Bouys have not been a profitable segment for the organization which demonstrates lack of managerial expertise. Weak financial position has also been one of the problems of the company. The major threats for the organization is that The Indiana Department of Natural Resources exercises total control over the rates that can be charged on slip rental as well as room rates at the inn. Jack Keltners management strategy can be considered as an opportunity to improve the organizational efficacy. Implication of the SWOT Analysis After conducting the SWOT analysis, it can be revealed that there are major problems that Fourwinds Marine faced that hampers the effective operation of the organization. The strengths of Fourwinds Marine indicate that the company can aim at bec oming the market leader in the particular segment. The weaknesses indicate that there is need for immediate actions in order to overcome them. The threats indicate that the company doesn’t have control over the rates and the prices. From the opportunity analyzed it can be revealed that company’s overall operation can be enhanced. Marinas Strategy The strategy adopted by the marina can be considered as deliberate strategy. The slips need to be reserved by November 15 of each year or the slip is subject to sale on first-come basis. The slips are rented for a year and the amount varies depending upon the size of slip. The company adopts various boat rental strategies in order to meet the demands during the peak season. In order to protect the boats that are left in the water during

Assignment 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Assignment 5 - Essay Example It is one of the causes for discrimination prevailing in the minds of individuals that lead them to make bias decisions for people belonging to different racial and ethnic background. Barrack Obama is symbolized because of the skin color. It has been evident in the history that Americans were perceived as corrupt and impure. As the commander in chief is a black American, due to this he has been symbolized with inferiority, the commander in chief can face great threats. In order to provide evidence to this perception Ridley in the video shows the past historical evidences in the ancient civilization and their perceptions and experiences with a particular race or caste (Griffin 132). In a similar manner, as one of the symbolic expressions of the nation towards the other nation can create a major difference due to which Barrack Obama can face severe threats on racial and ethnic grounds. Symbolic expression of religion is one the major cause of the discrimination at workplaces. Some of the employees at the workplace develop preference in the workplace because of their religious backgrounds. Religious icons at workplaces can create strains and discrimination among the other employees (especially minorities) on the bases of skin, racial and ethnic backgrounds. (Griffin 129). Al-Qaeda can be identified as a greatest example for religious symbolizing and oppression due to which most of the security and other organization have symbolized Muslims as terrorist. It has globally impacted Muslim individuals throughout the world. The symbolic expression of the Al-Qaeda has created an image of oppression in the mind of people for all Muslims in the world. In order to overcome the fragmentation in the retailing system, the firm should sell products either to the import agents or wholesalers. It shall allow the organization to enter in too fragmented retailing system in India with better

Molecular Basis of Disease Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Molecular Basis of Disease - Lab Report Example Staining is one of the techniques used in the characterization of cancer cells. The most commonly used staining methods and Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. Generally the two methods have been used to differentiate between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells. Hematoxylin stains the nucleus purple while Eosin stains the cytoplasms pink. Cancer cells can also be stained particularly to differentiate them from other cells. However, it is imperative to note that there are preparation processes that should take place in order for tissue staining to be specific and relevant (Ahmed, 2007, p.490). Histopathology is a technique that involves the studying of disease development in tissues at the microscopic level. In medicine histopathology refers to the examination of tissue biopsies that have already been prepared through histological techniques and placed on glass slides. The histological techniques used in sample preparation are tissue harvesting, fixation, embedding, mounting and staini ng of the tissue sections. Tissue harvesting: it involves the surgical removal of the tissue followed fixing to ensure that the tissue is stable and that it does not decay. Fixation: two methods are used; chemical fixation and freeze fixation. Chemical fixation is done using formalin while freeze fixation is done using cryo-protectants such as OCT, TBS or Cryogel before freezing. Mounting: Tissues are placed in paraffin before being sectioned using a microtome before they are stained. Staining: The processed tissues are stained for viewing under a microscope. Objectives I. To prepare low and high power drawings of normal skin, breast and colon tissues. II. To prepare low and high power drawings of one diseased skin specimen or one diseased colon specimen. III. To prepare low power diagrams of all three diseased breast tissue specimens IV. To answer the relevant questions in the practical manual Materials I. Light microscope. II. Blank plain paper. III. Pencil IV. Specimens: a) Colon - Normal human - Polyposis b) Skin - Normal human - Basal cell carcinoma - Malignant Melanoma - Squamous cell carcinoma c) Breast - Normal human - Lobular hyperplasia - Fibrodenoma Methods Human Colon The slide was held up to the light and the darker purple staining layer of the gastric mucosa (inner most layer of colon) identified. The slide was then place on the stage so that the inner layer of the colon was on top. The upper edge of the specimen was then focused under low power magnification of the microscope (X40) and the following areas identified: gastric mucosa, muscularis mucosa, sub-mucosa and muscularis. After the major layers had been identified, the following layers were labeled: mucosa, colonic glands, gastric pits, sub-mucosa, muscularis mucosa (inner and outer layers) and blood vessels. A high power drawing of the gastric mucosa was the prepared and the following labeled: surface epithelium, colonic glands, goblet cells and lymphoid follicles. The same procedure was repeated for diseases colon cells and the differences between tissue specimens identified. Human Skin The slide was held up to the light to identify the outer layer of the skin. The slide was then placed on the stage so that the surface of the skin was positioned on top. The upper edge of the specimen was focused under low

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Balanced Scoreboards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Balanced Scoreboards - Research Paper Example Given that patients show that they are satisfied with the level of communication between them and the nurses, the hospital has been concerned about communication. As part of accomplishing its goals, the management has decided to consider communication as one of the priority areas to help it in doing so (Lawrie; Kalff & Andersen, 2005). The hospital is focused on the patients because they are the ones who are considered as clients. Without them, nothing can be achieved. Therefore, by establishing a culture of effective communication, their needs will be addressed without many constraints. However, for the higher scores, the hospital needs to make improvements in its areas of weakness. Although it has set good strategies, a lot still need to be done in order to perfect communication between the nurses and the patients. For this reason, it is suggested that it should train nurses to be critical listeners who consult their patients. Many clients complained of being ignored while making important decisions about their health. However, this is quite discouraging because they feel neglected (Zaffron & Steve, 2009). So, for the communication process to be enhanced, the nurses should adopt the culture of consultation before giving out any prescription or treatment. Otherwise, they will be violating the principle of informed consent. The area that seems to be doing well, based on the balanced scorecard, is interpersonal communication. The nurses have embraced the culture of critical listening and persuasiveness. This has established a good rapport between them and the patients. The other area is about intercultural communication. Although the facility serves people from diverse cultural backgrounds, they have been made comfortable by being culturally diversified. Meaning, everyone is given a special treatment that does not go against their cultural

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

International trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

International trade - Essay Example It has made remarkable foreign investments, mostly in its nearby countries, owing to its huge capital reserve and high market prices. For LUKoil, foreign acquisitions are a means of acquiring experienced workers and technological know-how to gain efficiency and effectiveness in both domestic and global competition. It has acquired 800 U.S. stations from ConocoPhillips and 100 per cent of Getty Petroleum in the United States. It is imperative for both Russia and LUKoil to export petroleum in order to fulfil their economic goals. However, LUKoil’s future ability to export may be hampered by the sorry state of political relations of Russia both inside and outside the nation. Thus, to make sure that the company operates successfully, it must lay more emphasis on foreign investments and relations with the oil companies in the West. Russia’s position as an oil exporter can be explained on the basis of the theory of absolute as well as competitive advantage. Russia ranks eighth largest in the world in terms of its oil reserves and hence the country enjoys the natural gift of such a comparative advantage. As compared to Saudi Arabia, Russia presently has 15 more established oil reserves. Besides, the country enjoys not only natural but also acquired advantages with respect to oil production. In the global oil market the prices are determined by the basic laws of demand and supply. Of Russia’s total oil production, just 27 per cent is put to use for inland purposes and the remaining 73 per cent is exported. Moreover, its oil companies have come up as major players in the global competition. Thus, factor proportions theory is also valid for Russia’s competitive advantage. The country similarity theory can also be applied in this case if we consider the fact that a major part of its foreign expa nsion corresponds to the countries that were formerly a part of the Soviet Union. In addition to this, Russia’s global position as an oil exporter can be

Balanced Scoreboards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Balanced Scoreboards - Research Paper Example Given that patients show that they are satisfied with the level of communication between them and the nurses, the hospital has been concerned about communication. As part of accomplishing its goals, the management has decided to consider communication as one of the priority areas to help it in doing so (Lawrie; Kalff & Andersen, 2005). The hospital is focused on the patients because they are the ones who are considered as clients. Without them, nothing can be achieved. Therefore, by establishing a culture of effective communication, their needs will be addressed without many constraints. However, for the higher scores, the hospital needs to make improvements in its areas of weakness. Although it has set good strategies, a lot still need to be done in order to perfect communication between the nurses and the patients. For this reason, it is suggested that it should train nurses to be critical listeners who consult their patients. Many clients complained of being ignored while making important decisions about their health. However, this is quite discouraging because they feel neglected (Zaffron & Steve, 2009). So, for the communication process to be enhanced, the nurses should adopt the culture of consultation before giving out any prescription or treatment. Otherwise, they will be violating the principle of informed consent. The area that seems to be doing well, based on the balanced scorecard, is interpersonal communication. The nurses have embraced the culture of critical listening and persuasiveness. This has established a good rapport between them and the patients. The other area is about intercultural communication. Although the facility serves people from diverse cultural backgrounds, they have been made comfortable by being culturally diversified. Meaning, everyone is given a special treatment that does not go against their cultural

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HCR210 record formats Essay Example for Free

HCR210 record formats Essay Source oriented medical record (SOR), is a traditional patient record format that organizes information about a patients care according to the source of documentation within the record. Patient records are filed under their specific sectionalized areas in chronological order. Many medical facilities use this format. One of the advantages is that it is easy to locate documents. For example, if a physician needs to reference a recent lab report, it can easily be found in the laboratory section of the record. Another advantage is that same source documents can be filed together. Some of the disadvantages of the SOR format is that filing reports can be time consuming, several sections within a record need to be created and it can be difficult to follow one diagnosis. The Problem oriented medical record (POR), was developed by Lawrence Weed in an effort to improve the organization of patient records. This format is a more systematic method of documentation, which consists of four components, database; problem list; initial plan and progress notes. The POR record also utilizes the SOAP structure (subjective, objective, assessment, plan). The database serves as an overview of patient information such as chief complaint, present conditions and diagnoses, social data; past, personal, medical, and social history, review of systems, physical examination and baseline laboratory data. The problem list is filed at the beginning of the patient record and serves as a table of contents, containing a list of all the patient’s problems. Each problem is numbered, which aids in indexing documentation throughout the record. The initial plan, describes what actions will be taken to learn more about the patient’s condition according to three categories, diagnostic/management and therapeutic plans as well as patient education. The discharge summary is documented in the progress note section of the POR, and summarizes patient care, treatment, response and condition. If a patient is transferred, a transfer note is also documented. Some advantages of using the POR are that it is very organized, it facilitates patient treatment and education and that all documentation is linked to specific problem. Some disadvantages are that filing this format is time consuming, it requires specific training and that all data associated with more than one problem must be documented several times. The Integrated record format arranges reports in strict chronological date order or in reverse date order. This format allows for observation of how the patient is progressing and responds to treatment based on and according to test results. Most hospitals integrate physician and ancillary progress notes only, requiring progress note entries to be clearly identified by discipline, which needs to be identified at the beginning of each progress note, (i.e. dietary). The advantages of using this format is that it is easy to use, it is less time consuming to file reports and all information on care is filed together. Some disadvantages of this format are that it is difficult to compare as well as retrieve information from the same discipline.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Diagnostic radiography

Diagnostic radiography 2. Background and Objectives of Study Student retention is widely seen as a threat to the nation at large as it creates not only an economic burden to the government but also to the institutions.It establishes loss of wellskilledpersonsexpectedto enter the labour force and has animmense impact in student welfare as well. Yorke (2000) describes predisposing factors which resultin drop outs as; wrong pick of course, frustration with environment, failure to cope with workload, no support from within, fiscal issues as well aspersonal matters.Recent research by SCoR (2007) has revealed that retentionrates in diagnostic radiography have steadily decreased in the past four years and this brought up heaps of issues of concern to higher education. Therefore guidelines by the SCoR were put in place to try and improve retentionin institutions but the question is; has enough been done to implement those guidelines so as to eliminate the attrition rates.There is an overlook into the matter and institutions are suffering from the outc omes of retention. Thus, it is necessary to find the root of the problem, which comes down to having a look into students views on the course itself. This might give the HE an insight on how to tackle the problem knowingly aware of the exact factors that they are dealing with. Retention of students is not only the universities role but also of the student contribution in the programme, therefore the overall aim of this study is to identify, recommend and target support needed to aid retention and also to find out student insight as they progress in radiography courses and how this has an influence in retention. Most of this research will be based on a study carried out by Yorke and Longden (2004), as it covers first year experiences into higher education thus it might be useful in relating overall students perspicacity of higher education with how radiography students feel about their course. The only differences being that both 1st and 3rd year diagnostic radiography students are to partake in the study. 3. Methods Research on the selected area embraces the survey research design. As a quantitative method it is perceived in a sense of being steadfastas it involves collection of statistical data on study variables, (Sim Wright, 2000). Use of this design came down to it being simple and well known, with the amount of satisfactory information one can acquire from opinions and perspectives of individuals, on current issues.A large amount of data would be easier to obtain as it would be from a widely dispersed geographical sample group. As a qualitative method, a survey explores reasons of trends in behaviour and attitudes, perceptionand actions of individuals, more reasons to carry out this research with this method. A survey is relatively cost effective thus making it easier to conduct the research, (Neale, 2009). There is however need for choice of the research instrument for data collection. Anopen ended questionnaire would be a useful tool to get the desired information in alogicalway(ref). They will be distributed face to face to individual students by telephone, via post and emails to the Radiography Departments. Radiography students to be investigated are in the UK. Only 24 universities provide Radiography (diagnostic), hence a larger sample size of the whole population would be essential but only 9 universities (approximately 279 students) will be sampled, each school as a representative of each province in the UK. Altman (1991) discusses the random sampling method as appropriate to useas it lessens preconceived notions of the results as most of the universities have a likely chance of being selected for the research reducing biases.A random sample will be achieved by drawing up the sample groups into cohorts.A survey of each cohort (intake, 1st year and 3rd year) will be conducted to explore issues that may be specific to each particular year of study, for example 1st year home sickness or financial issues in final year students, 4. Location of study and access arrangements The study will be limited to universities in England and Wales. Admittanceto the universities would be through the school faculty ethics and their Heads of department. 5.Personnel Cost Factors As a first time researcher need for personnels, such as a supervisor and advisors, to help in the undertaking of the study is essential in a sense that they have more knowledge in the field of research and therefore will be able to steer the research in the right direction, (Barnard Seale, 1998). No costs are to be considered in this manner as these supporters are volunteers to give out assistant where applicable. As the sample size of this study is relatively of a great cohort, the cost is going to be considerably high. Equipment to be used in the research will include paper sheets for construction of the hard copy questionnaires, as well as the ink ( £20) needed to print out the questionnaires. They will need to be dispersed in envelopes (stamped) via the post office which cost around a total of  £0.74. To travel to the different universities travel costs have to be considered, nevertheless emails could be used as a means of reducing travel cost. Overallit gives an approximation of about  £376 to carry out the research. 6. Ethical Considerations Issues that may arise in conjunction with conducting this research include getting access to participantsalong with student enrolment and dropout records. Approval on these issues would be achieved through the School Ethics Committee under the department of radiography, in the universities under study. Other issues might be of acquiring data from students. This involves confidentiality, consent and free wiled partaking. All these issues will be addressed accordingly through the assurance of anonymity in staging of results, utter confidentiality in data compilation and privacy, although sometimes this will not be possible especially when the partakers are to be considered at various intervalsof research, (Polit Hungler, 1995). Introductory letters, and consent forms were possible will be issued to be sure that a mutual agreement of involvement is met, (Trochim 1999). Due to taking part in this research individuals might experience potential distress, therefore support arrangements will be put in place. Is NHS R D approval required?Yes No If which Trust/s will be required to give approval? Is NHS Ethics Committee approval required?Yes No If Yes, state the name of the REC to whom you will be applying. 7. Project Milestones and Timescales Activity Start Date Completion Date Await approval from ethics committee and Research practice panel Construct questionnaires Ethical review and data collection Data analysis Discussion conclusions Completion of written research Design of poster and article Submission of article and poster 10.01.10 01.06.10 08.10 11.10 12.10 02.11 01.03.11 09.05.11 01.05.10 20.06.10 10.10 12.10 01.11 03.11 08.05.11 09.05.11

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Process Essay - How an Aerosol Can Works -- Expository Process Essays

How an Aerosol Can Works   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At one time or another, most of us have probably used an aerosol can.   With just a push of the button, we easily and quickly apply just the right amount of furniture polish, bathtub cleanser, or underarm deodorant.   It is obvious to us that the aerosol can is more convenient than the old-fashioned jars of liquid polish or cans of powdered cleanser, which can spill or be applied too thickly.   At the same time, however, most of us probably do not know how the aerosol can works.   We accept its ease and convenience without realizing that the aerosol can is quite a complex container.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An aerosol is not a simple cleaner or polish; it is a colloidal system.   That means it consists of finely divided liquid or solid particles, called a product, dispersed in and surrounded by a gas.   The most commonly used gases, or propellants, are chlorinated hydrocarbons, butane, propane, isobutane, vinyl chloride, and nitrogen.   Nitrogen is used particularly for products when the taste or smell of the propellant is not desired in the product, for ex...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How the Vietnam War Effected the American People and the American Presi

?The Vietnam War was fought during 1960 to 1975. It began as an attempt by Communist guerrillas?in the South to overthrow the ?government of South Vietnam. The struggle widened into a war between South Vietnam and North Vietnam and ultimately led to a international conflict. The United States and some 40 other countries supported South Vietnam by supplying troops and the?USSR and the People's Republic of China furnished munitions to North Vietnam and the Vietcong. ?Despite the massive American aid, the VC numbers continued to increase. By November 1961, the VC fighting forces had grown from the ?2,000 fighters that had been left after Diem's ruthless anti-Communist ?campaign in 1957, to nearly 16, 000. Regardless of American weapons and money, the VC was winning the support of the villagers.?The US military response to the deteriorating position in South ?Vietnam was to apply more military force. The Joint Chiefs of Staff?wanted six US divisions and 200,000 men sent immediately to So uth ?Vietnam. In response, Kennedy refused to send in US?ground forces. Under Kennedy, the US commitment remained at an?advisory level. On November 22 of 1963, a tragic event took place. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in a limousine through the streets of Dallas. The same day, Deputy Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President. Johnson further increased the number of ?advisors and equipment being sent to Vietnam. He wanted to declare war, destroy North Vietnam and Communism as soon as possible, even if ?he had to sacrifice his plans for a ?Great Society.? ? Losing the Great Society was a terrible thought, but not so terrible ?as the thought of being responsible for America's losing a war to the ?Communists. Nothing co... ... the right thing, and the ?US had a right to stop what it thought was wrong. In conclusion, I believe that the Vietnam War had a massive impact?upon US society and domestic politics. The war bitterly divided the ?nation and caused protests and political conflict between supporters ?and opponents. It ruined Johnson's chances of being re-elected ?president in 1968 and even damaged Bill Clinton when he stood for the ?presidency in 1992. It may be that after more than 20 years the war ?now causes fewer problems in the United States. But some of the ?effects of the war have remained. The Pentagon Papers proved that ?American governments had misled the people and even lied to them about ?the war. As a result, many Americans are much less willing to believe ?what their government tells them. Today, governments won't win back the?trust of these Americans that easily.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Evolution of Zombies on Film

The term zombie is referred to as a corpse reanimated through unnatural means, and in some cases, is usually depicted to have a knack for human flesh (Clute & Grant, 1999). Zombies are believed to have originated in the Caribbean Republic of Haiti where witch doctors revive dead people to do their bidding (Chevallier, 2006). This concept and origin of the Zombie was first introduced to the United States by W. S. Seabrook's Magic Island (Mumble-Jumble,1940). Seabrook's publication then spawned other works encompassing resurrected mindless corpses which subsequently became elements elements of interest for filmmakers. From paper to reel, the process of creating Zombies has tremendously evolved with the birth of computer generating image technology. The Epic of Gilgamesh (1960) also alluded the Zombie's concept, as the goddess Ishtar pledged to â€Å"knock down the gates of the Netherworld, and let the dead outnumber and devour the living. † Though the epic does not give any description of the appearance of the dead, the concept of flesh eating dead creatures are still synonymous to the idea of Zombies. While William Seabrook's Magic Island brought the idea of Zombies to the United States, Howard Phillips Lovecraft's Herbert West – Reanimator fully furnished the concept of Zombies in American Popular Culture (Braun, 2008). The story entails scientist Herbert West reanimating corpses that result to vile horrible beastly creatures with violent tendencies (Joshi & Cannon,1999), The Idea of Zombies was first introduced to the motion picture industry upon the release of the 1932 independent cult film, White Zombie. The film drew its idea of Zombies from the Haitian folklore of using paranormal powers to revive the dead. As the film's title suggests, the story revolves around couple, Neil and Madeleine who decide to accept an invitation Charles, a common acquaintance, to exchange vows in his plantation in Haiti. In an attempt to fulfill his hidden desires for Madeleine, Charles persuades the former to marry him instead. Madeleine immediately rejects Charles, who in return vindicates himself by consulting voodoo master Legendre to momentarily turn her in to a Zombie, to fake her death, send Neil back to the United States grieving, and bring Madeleine back to reality to pursue her again. Legendre meanwhile has his own selfish ploys which are thwarted by Charles with the aid of a missionary who goes by the name Dr. Bruner (Halperin & Halperin, 1932). In white Zombie, there is simplicity in presentation, as far as the Zombies appearance is concerned, considering that it is the first film to tackle such subject, the Zombies appeared a little close to human, but the mindless unwilled personality is already obvious. Though there is not much technique or technology available during the time, it is quite blatant that the Zombie interpretation was innovative. While the film was considered pioneer in Zombies, the concept of reanimated corpses do not have apocalyptic implications similar to later films, the concept of the Zombie strictly conformed to the Haitian voodoo practice which does not involve any scientific procedures or freak accidents. Soon after the release of White Zombie, Zombies on film have evolved, notable films such as Things to Come and Plan 9 From Outer Space further shaped the zombie as an element of horror. 936's Things to Come did not really focus on Zombies that were reanimated as living dead but the effects of a viral outbreak that causes the infected to mindlessly ramble without a definite purpose, which is synonymous to the mindlessness of zombies. In he film, the Zombie like creatures do not stray away from human appearance. Science Fiction met with Horror as 1959's Plan 9 From Outer Space tells the story of aliens who planned to stop human endeavor on a Doomsday Weapon that would bring the Universe in to oblivion . The aliens then executed plan 9 which concerns reanimation of the dead to divert human attention. The appearance of zombies in the film do not differ from human appearance, the only distinctive quality among zombies are the absence of the pupil. Though special effects were not sophisticated, zombies reanimated by alien technology is still a conceptual breakthrough. Despite the seemingly incompetent zombies of classic horror films, George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead became the mother of all zombie films, and is considered the greatest zombie movie of all time (Braun, 2008). The film is highly influential in the tradition of zombies as it revolutionized the zombie appearance in motion pictures and influenced zombie oriented films. The secret behind the horrifying appearance of the zombies in Night of the Living Dead is credited to the use of primitive techniques for special effects. (Williams, 2003). In night of the Living Dead, costumes consisted of second-hand apparel and the zombie appearance was complemented by mortician wax (Hardman & Eastman, 1997). Some of the blood used were just chocolate syrup, it looked like blood smears when shot on black and white (Homepage of the Dead, 2008). The materials used proved to be a little stingy for a successful film, but the efficiency of it has set a standard in the field of special effects. George Romero's follow up to Night of the Living Dead produced a better and more believable look for the zombie, special effects master Tom Savini has created a look with tremors still being imitated today but never surpassed. Savini primarily applied gray make up to give the zombie cast a more undead appearance. The zombies with close-up shots were had latex applied on their faces to emphasize wounds and other causes for their being undead (Savini, 1983). Savini adds that the zombies were supposed to appear as people recently killed, so he tried to make them look like victims of car accidents and fatal ailments. There is even one zombie that appear well groomed, Savini's intention here is to make that zombie look as if he just had been to an undertaker (Savini, 1983). Savini casted specific body parts to hydrocal and had them painted with red and black on the bottom to match the flesh colors in order to make bite-scars more believable (Savini, 1983). For the zombie killed in the truck, Savini sculpted a face lay over and filled it with blood and sealed with a layer of dermwax for the zombie actress (Savini, 1983). The effect was for a zombie who was shot in the head with an exit wound in the face (Savini, 1983). In Day of the dead, there are slight differences in the appearance of the zombie, the only notable difference came in the green color which emphasize the vestiges of decomposition (Savini, 1983). The development of zombies also came in speech as one zombie manifested the ability of speech (Rubenstein & Romero, 1985). Nonetheless, the film still takes pride in the advanced special effects. In a different note, the 80s saw a decline on zombie films, however there are some satirical innovations that proved to be arguable developments such as Return of the Living Dead (Fox, Henderson & O'Bannon) where zombies are shown to have a hunger for human brains, this garnered some recognition, most notably on an episode of The Simpsons Halloween special. The breakthroughs of modern technology in special effects and other cinematic techniques became a big help in developing zombies far better than they last appealed viewers. For nearly 2 decades, the zombie film was in hibernation, however, recent productions such as the movie adaptations of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and I am Legend revitalized the zombie film. The motion picture resident evil utilized computer generated imaging technology to some extent, but most of the furnishings for the zombies are done with make-up (Anderson, 2002). The motion picture gives a new approach to zombies as some of them wielded weapons such as the hatchet held by the first zombie who appeared (Anderson, 2002). Another groundbreaking addition in resident evil is the zombie dog which is a total departure from the usual human undead (Anderson, 2002). The sequel to the first Resident Evil film brought about fresh ideas in zombie films wherein sophistication and advanced movements such as climbing stairs and opening doors have become part of zombie abilities. The introduction of the super zombie Nemesis is also a first, since the aforementioned can wield heavy armaments such as gattling guns and missile launchers, and it can also filter its victims via a remote controlled targeting system (Witt, 2004). Zombies on film have progressed since its humble beginnings in White Zombie, and most motion pictures serve as testimony to the immortality of the zombie as an element in horror. The extensive innovations in make-up and special effects applications has given rise to evolution of zombies on cinema, from simple mindless speechless individuals, to decapitated decomposing flesh hungry monsters, to weapon wielding, stair climbing semi-intelligent beasts, the film industry has done a great job in revolutionizing an idea that seem to be lame and childish. Moreover, the advent of modern technology has also aided the evolution of zombies on film.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Effects of Dota

Computer Game Addiction â€Å"Responsible gaming is an attitude we need if we are engage into Computer Game. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it requires the participation of society (parents, school, game developer and government). â€Å" As a computer game user,player and fan, it has led me to study the effects of playing computer games such as DOTA, KHAN, and other highly innovative and competitively graphical games. The purpose of the study was to establish an understanding of to what extent is the effect of playing online games, network games and other types to the studies of the students in the university where I graduated. While it was difficult to set a parameter of classifying games according to types and quality since I and my friend believed that the characteristics of the games have something to do with the addiction of students to playing, we thought that it would be safe to just assume games as if have the same characteristics even though these games are under of different types and of the different level of complex graphical presentation, level of real-time experiences, the plot of story it is trying to project and a lot more qualities. Thus, if we quantify the effects then assumption holds that each game that we have studied has a relatively the same impact to students considering its character/quality. However, the extent of its impact is relatively different when we talk about the degree of variation to students experiences towards gaming. This shows therefore that in studying game addiction, it requires a rigid classification and parameter identification to clearly qualify and quantify the impact of this activity to the life of students and Human in general. I encountered several unique experiences when we did the study, and it has given me knowledge on the magnitude of effects whether it is health, study, social, and family and even money issues. One of result says that female players is exactly the same compared to male players when it comes the time of engagement to games. This means that women has started playing games as early as 4 years old as the time of engagement of men revealed, and they women also spent closely 5 to 8 hrs on the average everyday just like men does. † The proceeding discussion will talk about the games, the different types of game and the hundreds available game in the market. Posted on Tuesday, 17. 02. 09 @ 10:55 PM Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends. Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends.